Member country
Energy system of Denmark
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Key recommendations
Scale up actions to increase the delivery of policies and measures towards its 20252030 energy and climate goals by lifting barriers and accelerating the implementation of targets and political agreements already made, building on the close dialogue with local communities and energy sector stakeholders.
Prepare for winter with actions focused on energy savings, accelerating the deployment of renewables and maximising domestic energy production.
Design an energy security road map for Denmark to address traditional and emerging security challenges from extreme weather events, cybersecurity and supply chain risks based on a national risk assessment, including biomass sourcing and stocks.
Support investment and create the necessary framework conditions for future energy system needs and energy sector integration through the design of an export-oriented clean energy supply chain strategy and international industrial net zero partnerships, notably in the North and Baltic Seas.
Work with neighbouring governments, regulators and system operators to prepare a green infrastructure masterplan which includes major regional projects to progress Denmark’s ambition for green power, CO2 and hydrogen.