Member country
Energy system of France
Acknowledging the need to maintain electricity security in the longer term and a low-carbon footprint France invests in efficiency, six new nuclear power plants and renewable energy, notably offshore wind, while enhancing flexible power system operation.
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Key recommendations
Increase implementation focus and policy certainty to accelerate private investment to meet energy and climate targets, avoiding any contradicting signals. Adopt regular progress review points for all measures and strengthen implementation capacity across government, co-ordinated by the prime minister.
Ensure consistency of 2030 targets with the updated National Low-Carbon Strategy and multiannual energy plan, underpinned by new EU ambitions, socio-economic analysis and technology/innovation roadmaps. Introduce clean energy technology budgets to leverage higher private investments.
Align national and regional targets, policies and regulations; reduce administrative barriers and streamline procedures; and provide for additional action critical to closing delivery gaps and achieving a sustainable, secure and affordable energy mix.
Building on the green budget approach, scale up the mainstreaming of climate objectives into taxation, government expenditures and regulations across government to improve the cost-effectiveness of the energy transition.
Clarify the ambitions for the closure and long-term operation of existing and the construction of new nuclear reactors in France, including financing mechanisms to mitigate uncertainties on the path towards net zero to support an affordable, sustainable and secure electricity mix.
Introduce an energy-system approach across key energy carriers (electricity, decarbonised gases, heat) and networks, including interconnections to neighbouring countries. Facilitate close co-operation between the gas and electricity system operators, industry stakeholders, and regulators. In this context, leverage the national hydrogen strategy for developing a new energy carrier and provider of long-term energy storage.