Critical Minerals Data Explorer
Global demand projections for 37 critical minerals needed for clean energy transitions across the three main IEA scenarios and 11 technology-specific cases
Cite data tool
IEA (2024), Critical Minerals Data Explorer, IEA, Paris
Explore the latest demand projections for critical minerals
As demand for metals and minerals such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, copper, aluminium, and rare earth elements soar, this interactive tool makes quantitative data and projections on these critical materials available to the public and policymakers.
In its first release, the tool provides demand projection results under various energy scenarios and technology evolution trends. Users can look up total demand and supply for key minerals (copper, cobalt, lithium, nickel, graphite and rare earth elements) and projected mineral demand in the clean energy sector by technology and commodity under different scenarios and technology cases, including 11 alternative cases modeling the impact of different technologies or consumer behaviours.
The numbers will be regularly updated to align with the latest energy projections in line with the IEA's Global Energy and Climate model. Long-term supply projection data will also be added to the data explorer at a later stage. Details on the methodology can be found in the annex of the Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024.