Workshop — Paris, France

1st Workshop for IEA High Efficiency, Low Emissions Coal Technology Roadmap


The IEA is developing a High Efficiency, Low Emissions (HELE) Coal Technology Roadmap. It will be an important addition to the series of technology roadmaps the IEA has been publishing since 2009. The HELE Coal technology Roadmap will focus on coal use in power generation. It will consider the role of coal-fired power generation in reducing global energy-related CO2 emissions substantially bellow current levels.

The IEA plans to complete the roadmap during the first quarter of 2012. As for other roadmaps, the content will be based on information, advice and direction received from many sources, but particularly from those industry, government and non-government experts attending roadmap workshops.

The first workshop was chaired by Dr. John TOPPER, Managing Director of the IEA Clean Coal Centre.



Opening Remarks
Ulrich BENTERBUSCH, Director, Global Energy Dialogue, IEA

HELE Coal Technology Roadmap -- Process
Keith BURNARD, Energy Technology Policy, IEA

High Efficiency, Low Emissions Workshop -- Thoughts on Context
John TOPPER, IEA Clean Coal Centre

Coal markets and coal use
Moderator: John TOPPER (IEA Clean Coal Centre, UK)

Coal Market Overview
Paul BARUYA, IEA Clean Coal Centre

Perspectives on coal in long-term scenarios
Uwe REMME, Energy Technology Policy, IEA

Coal-fired power generation
Moderator: John TOPPER (IEA Clean Coal Centre, UK)

Coal power generation technology status and future requirements
Colin HENDERSON, IEA Clean Coal Centre

The Role of High Efficient Technology in ETP2010 Scenario
Osamu ITO, Energy Technology Policy, IEA

Overcoming the barriers
Moderator: John TOPPER (IEA Clean Coal Centre, UK)

Investing in efficient coal-fired power plants and deploying CCS

Wrap Up and Final Discussion

Summary of proceedings
John TOPPER, IEA Clean Coal Centre

Next steps
Keith BURNARD, Energy Technology Policy, IEA