Workshop — Paris, France

3rd InterEnerstat Meeting


Agenda Opening - Background - Objectives

Session 1: Coal (Chair: UNSD)

Session 2: Coal (follow up to session 1)

Session 3: Renewables and Waste (Chair: Eurostat)

Session 4: Electricity (Chair: Eurostat)

Session 5: Flows – Supply (Chair: OLADE)

Session 6: Flows – Transformation (Chair: APEC)

Session 7: Flows – Consumption (Chair: IAEA)

Session 8: Flows – Consumptions/Others (follow up to session 7)

Session 9: Gas (Chair: Eurogas, t.b.c.)

Session 10: Oil (Chair: OPEC)

Session 11: Oil (follow up to session 10)

Session 12: Oil (follow up to session 11)

Decisions on flows
Decisions on products