ESAP Expert Workshop III: Joint IEA/EPRI on Market Design and Deep Decarbonisation

Workshop — Paris, France


ESAP WORKSHOP III:  Electricity Market Design under Long-Term Decarbonisation

Programme and Presentations

Welcome and opening remarks
Tom Wilson, Senior Program Manager, EPRI
Laszlo Varro, Head of Gas, Coal and Power Markets division, IEA

Session 1: Challenges to the electricity sector under decarbonisation
What challenges is the move to decarbonisation creating for the electricity sector? To what extent are utility efforts to provide safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound electricity—and the capital necessary to maintain and deliver them--challenged by policies or technologies designed to decarbonise the sector? How are utilities likely to be challenged in the future as the move to decarbonise accelerates?

 Moderator: Manuel Baritaud, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA Presentation of ESAP

Session 2: Understanding the future: pathways to a decarbonised electricity sector and potential outcomes
What can we learn from modelling and scenario analysis?  What mix of generation, grid infrastructure, storage and demand side response will emerge from different sets of policies and assumptions, at what price, and requiring what transmission?

Moderator: Tom Wilson, Senior Program Manager, EPRI

Session 3: Market arrangements and decarbonisation: what changes to market design are required?
How will markets need to evolve to meet the challenge of decarbonising the electricity sector? Do we need to change market design or rethink governance of the energy sector? At what point would any such changes need to be implemented, given the uncertainty currently facing low carbon policies and renewables deployment?

Moderator: Paolo Frankl, Head of the Renewable Energy Division, IEA

Session 4: Utilities: death spiral or birth of new services?

Moderator: David Hunter, Senior Government Representative for Environment, Industry and International Affairs, EPRI