Workshop — Berlin, Germany

IEA Freight Truck Fuel Economy Workshop - Challenge Bibendum


Welcome,  scope of the workshop

Lew Fulton, IEA, TBD, Michelin

Keynote address:
Julia King, Aston university, UK

Session 1: HDV technology potential for FE improvement

This session aims at evaluating the cost-effective technological potential to reduce fuel economy of trucks. The cost and level of fuel saving technologies are critical to the successful deployment of advanced technologies in the mass market, as truck fleet operators often perform benefit-cost analyses prior to vehicle purchases, and are sensitive to fuel efficiency gains in operation.

Drew Kodjak, ICCT, USA
Nikolas Hill, AEAT, Europe
Anders Lundström, Scania
Duleep Gopalakrishnan, ICFI, USA

Session 2 : Testing and certification for effective policy to deliver HDV fuel economy

Due to the size of heavy-duty vehicles, and the elevated number of possible chassis and engine configurations, it is not practicable to physically test each vehicle model type on a vehicle dynamometer for the purpose of homologation. This session will discuss practical solutions to measuring emissions and fuel economy of heavy-duty vehicles and to account for variations in vehicle sizes in fuel economy regulation.

Hiroshi Hirai, JARI, Japan
Stefan Larsson, ACEA

Session 3 : Existing / Planned policies

Many countries are looking into the opportunity of implementing a regulatory framework for heavy-duty vehicle fuel economy. This session will examine the lessons learned from current heavy duty vehicle fuel economy policy, what is planned in future policies, what would best practice policy look like? Overall what fuel efficiency gains can be expected?

Takashi Naono, MLIT, Japan
Cheryl Bynum, EPA, USA
Peter Brunner, EU commission

Conclusions and Next Steps – IEA Roadmap and Policy Pathways