Workshop — Beijing, China

Saving Electricity in a Hurry


The Chinese State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) and the IEA hosted a workshop 23 February 2012 in Beijing based on the 2011 IEA report Saving Electricity in a Hurry. Speakers presented international experience with implementing demand-side management strategies to mitigate electricity shortfalls. Experts included Doug Cooke (IEA), Luiz Maurer (IFC), Alan Meier (LBNL), Zhu Ming (SERC), Sara Bryan Pasquier (IEA), Tan Rongyao (SERC), Bo Shen (LBNL), Ryosuke Takahashi (IEEJ Secondee), Robert Tromop (IEA) and Yukari Yamashita (IEEJ).

Presentations were followed by a brainstorming session on strategies to address electricity vulnerabilities in China.

Agenda (English)
Agenda (Chinese)
Saving Electricity in a Hurry (English)
Saving Electricity in a Hurry (Chinese)

Chinese State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) website

Welcome from SERC
Tan Rongyao, Secretary General SERC

Welcome from IEA
Robert Tromop IEA

Session 1: Coping with power shortages – a summary of international experience

Moderator: Zhu Ming SERC

Saving Electricity in a Hurry I – Global experience using energy efficiency to mitigate supply-demand gaps
Alan MEIER, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Saving Electricity in a Hurry II – Lessons and Recommendations for policy makers and regulators
Sara Pasquier, International Energy Agency

Mitigating supply shortfalls in the developing world
Luiz MAURER, International Finance Corp.

Session 2. Country Case Studies: Lessons from implemented strategies
Moderator: Robert Tromop IEA

Addressing emergency capacity constraints – Japan tsunami 2011
Yukari YAMASHITA, Institute for Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)

Response of Japanese energy providers – Japan tsunami 2011

Reducing vulnerability – Coping with New Zealand’s persistent droughts
Robert TROMOP, International Energy Agency

Shortfall mitigation the California way

Brazil 2002: Sensible Rationing to alleviate prolonged electricity shortfalls

Market-based power emergency management – The Nordic experience
Doug COOKE, International Energy Agency

Session 3. Lessons from China’s Strategies to manage Electricity Demand and Risks
Moderator: Mr Li Ze,SERC

DSM Policy and Practices in China
Zhu Ming, SERC

Addressing Energy Shortfall through Demand Response Policies Technologies and Practices
Bo Shen LBNL

Application of load management system in DSM
Zhang Lei, Jiangsu Provincial Grid Company

Carry out green action, enhance economic transformation
Xu Yanhao, Guangdong Provincial Grid Company

Session 4. Discussion session - Exploring electricity management options for China
Co-Moderators: Yang Jun SERC and Robert Tromop IEA

1. Which strategies from international experience could best help China address electricity vulnerabilities?
2. What existing policies can be extended?
3. What other options / suggestions can help?

Observations and lessons from the workshop
Workshop speakers with concluding