Workshop — Paris, France

Web Conference: Transposition of the EU CO2 Storage Directive: Current Status and Outstanding Issues


EU Member States were required to transpose the EU CO₂ Storage Directive, which establishes a regulatory framework for the geological storage of CO₂within the European Union, by 25 June 2011. This deadline has galvanised action across Europe, with Member States making considerable progress in the development of CCS legal and regulatory frameworks over the past few years.

This webinar will provide an update on implementation of the EU CO₂ Storage Directive in various Member States, including on particular or outstanding issues encountered during the transposition process (e.g. third party access, public participation in project development, interaction with existing environmental and energy legislation). It will commence with an introductory presentation on the transposition process, the broad lines of the EU CO₂ Storage Directive and a general status update, before moving to look at individual Member States. It will also discuss common issues experienced across Member States and next steps for CCS regulation in the EU, before a 30 minute Q&A session with our speakers.

This event will be hosted in collaboration with University College London’s Carbon Capture Legal Programme, and will build of their recent Implementing the EU CO₂ Storage Directive: Challenges and Opportunities event and associated EU Case Studies Project.

A recording of this event is available to view or download


The agenda for this event was as follows:

Welcome and introductions
Justine Garrett, IEA

An introduction to the transposition process, the EU CO₂Storage Directive and current status
Richard Macrory, UCL-CCLP

Transposition in the UK: status and outstanding issues
Brian Allison, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change

Transposition in Romania: status and outstanding issues
Adriana Maria Stoica and Florina Sora, National Agency for Mineral Resources

Common issues arising from EU Member State transposition and next steps for CCS
Chiara Armeni, UCL-CCLP

Moderated discussion