Green Deal 203 Run your engine differently

Last updated: 16 September 2020
On 26 May 2016 28 parties, including the ministries of Infrastructure and the Environment and Economic Affairs, concluded a Green Deal on construction and agricultutal machinery/engines, with as objective to reduce CO2 emissions with engines by 10% over the period 2016-2020. In order to achieve this the participating parties undertake a number of actions in various fields. One of the ways in which fuel consumption can be lowered is by changing the behaviour of train and equipment operators. Further, contracting parties must be incentivised to perform their work in an energy efficient manner. Attention is also paid to: teaching energy-efficient usage in training courses, using biofuels and using cleaner and better-maintained equipment. Meanwhile, there is a call for more energy efficient machinery on an EU-wide scale. Further information on this Green Deal can be found at the website..[See also under 'the PAM Green Deals for general description of the Green deal approach]

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