The Storage of Carbon Dioxide (Licensing etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 28 June 2022

The Storage of Carbon Dioxide (Licensing etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) implement Articles 2.3, 2.4, 3, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and Chapter 3 (storage permits) (except Articles 18 and 20) of the CCS Directive. The Regulations implement those provisions of the Directive which deal with storage permits, including: (1) the granting of permits for the operation of carbon dioxide storage sites (and related exploration activities); (2) the obligations of the storage operator (for example, in relation to monitoring, reporting and corrective measures) whilst storage activities are taking place; (3) the operator’s continuing obligations for a period after the closure of the storage site; and (4) the inspection of carbon dioxide storage complexes. 

The purpose of the Directive is to establish a legal framework for the environmentally safe geological storage of carbon dioxide. Such a framework had been established in the UK by Part 1, Chapter 3, of the Energy Act 2008, which extends to Northern Ireland. The Act provided for a licensing regime governing the permanent storage of carbon dioxide offshore, including the UK territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland. 

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