Performance Standards and 5-Star Rating for Buildings: MEPS and NatHERs

Last updated: 5 November 2017
From 1 May 2006, the Building Code Australia (BCA) has included energy efficiency provisions for all building classifications.
Australia revised the BCA to account for energy efficiency as part of its strategic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. To complement passage of the housing provisions, Australian governments agreed to implement a consistent Nation-wide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) to enable householders to assess the energy efficiency of houses and make more informed choices about housing purchases and renovation.
For housing:
Energy efficiency provisions for detached and semi-detached dwellings were introduced on 1 January 2003. From 1 May 2006, the provisions were increased to a nominal 5 star NatHERS rating.
Since the BCA is a performance based Code, builders and designers have the option of meeting these standards in one of two ways:
by following the prescriptive deemed-to-satisfy provisions; or
by achieving the required house energy rating using an accredited software tool.
The Australian Capital Territory Government also required disclosure of the NatHERS rating during the sale or lease of each house.
For residential buildings other than houses:
The development of BCA energy efficiency provisions for commercial buildings has proceeded in two stages: BCA class 2 to 4 buildings and BCA class 5 to 9 buildings.
Provisions for Class 2, 3 and 4 buildings (i.e. apartments, hotels) ware developed for inclusion in the BCA on 1 May 2005.
Provisions for Class 5 to 9 buildings (offices, retail, carparks, manufacturing/processing and public buildings) were developed for inclusion in the BCA on 1 May 2006.
Minimum Energy Performance Standards for office, retail, carparks, manufacturing/processing and public buildings (Building Code of Australia classes 5-9) Class 5 to 9 buildings include office, retail, carparks, manufacturing/processing and public buildings, a programme for incorporating minimum energy performance standards into the BCA has been underway since 2004. Following public consulation on draft regulations, the Australian Building Code Board decided in November 2005 to include energy efficiency provisions for Class 5 to 9 buildings in BCA 2006.
As announced by the federal and territorial governments, all new residential buildings would meet a five star energy rating from May 2006. The Australian Capital Territory Government also required disclosure of the NatHERS rating during the sale or lease of each house.
In April 2009 the Council of Australian Government requested the ABCB deliver through the Building Code of Australia (BCA) the following:
(i) a six star energy rating, or equivalent, for new residential buildings; and
(ii) a significant increase in the energy efficiency requirements for all new commercial buildings.
These measures were successfully incorporated into BCA 2010 and also included national provisions for water heaters and lighting in new homes. Additionally all measures were subject to regulatory impact analysis. (See new entry)

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