ARPA-E Research Programme, Biofuels
The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced USD 35 million in funding for 15 projects that will help decarbonize the bio-refining proces in the energy, transportation, and agriculture sectors. The funding awards are supported by DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The 15 teams receiving awards through ARPA-E’s “Energy and Carbon Optimized Synthesis for the Bioeconomy” (ECOSynBio) program will work on the following methods - Carbon-optimized fermentation strains that avoid CO2 waste;- Engineered organisms that can use a mix of different sources of energy and carbon, and avoid evolving CO2;- Biomass-derived sugar or carbon oxide gas fermentation with internal CO2 recycling;- Cell-free carbon-optimized biocatalytic biomass conversion and/or CO2 use; - Cross-cutting carbon-optimized bioconversion methods that have the potential for high-impact emissions reductions.
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