Legislative Decree 16 June 2017, no. 104
This decree, passed in June 2017, implements the European Union Directive 2014/52/EU which mandates environmental impact assessments of certain public and private projects, including the installation of oil and gas pipelines, natural gas storage, production of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, on the land and sea, and coal gasification and liquefaction plants.
EIAs are required to be submitted to the competent authority (whether local or federal) by the project proposer, and must contain at least the following information:
- a project description, including location, design, size, and other relevant information.
- a description of the likely significant impacts on the environment through construction and operation phases.
- a description of measures to avoid, prevent, reduce, or offset likely environmental impacts.
- a description of reasonable alternatives considered, adapted to the project and its specifications. If zero alternative is indicated, motivating reasons must be stated.
- A monitoring system for potential significant environmental impacts as a result of the project, including responsibilities and resources necessary for the implementation and management of the monitoring.
Beginning from 31 December 2017, local authorities and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano are required to inform the Ministry of Environment and Land and Sea Protection every two years about adopted projects and verification procedures of EIAs.
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