Critical Minerals Development Program

Last updated: 21 August 2023

The Critical Minerals Development Program (CMDP), previously known as the Critical Minerals Accelerator Initiative, provides funding to early and mid-stage projects that contribute to robust global supply chains, build sovereign capability in Australia and create high-paying regional jobs by bringing new critical minerals sources of supply online. The CMDP targets critical minerals listed in Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy. The CMDP will help projects overcome technical and market barriers by supporting a range of undertaken post-exploration and before final investment decision such as feasibility studies, engineering design work, pilot testing, and building demonstration plants to help proponents prove the quality of their product and secure contracts with customers.The CMDP will support strategically significant projects at crucial points in development, setting Australia up as a critical minerals powerhouse. Grants will accelerate projects to market, attracting private sector finance and investment. Successful applicants can receive up to AUD 50 million but are required to contribute at least 50% of the cost themselves. In this program, an R&D hub was also created with AUD 50.5 million by funding three existing public institutions (CSIRO, ANSTO, and Geoscience Australia) to work together to support Australian intellectual property in critical minerals processing, progress international R&D collaboration, and connect projects to expertise.

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