MuKEn Model Prescriptions of the Cantons regarding Energy

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Swiss constitution grants policy responsibility in the domain of buildings to the cantons. The cantons elaborate model energy prescriptions together and each canton transposes them differently into the cantonal law. The newest model energy prescriptions dates to 2014. It contains mandatory and optional parts. Main contents: - Limits for heat demand in new buildings to 16 kWh/m2 and to 24 kWh/m2 for buildings to be refurbished. Both limits have been subsequently tightened in the last years/decades. - Limit values, technical and operational prescriptions for lighting, cooling and ventilation - Limit value of max. 80% heat from fossil energy sources for new buildings. Max 90% heat from fossil energy sources for refurbished buildings - Requirements for the electricity production within buildings (10 W / energy reference area) - Refurbishment duty for direct elecric heating systems - Prescriptions for big energy consumers (> 500 GWh heat and/or > 0.5 GWh electricity) - Building Energy Label

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