Project 3E - Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 16 October 2019

Project 3E - Transformation of the Energy Efficiency Market in Brazil - has as main objective the strengthening of the energy efficiency market in Brazil through the training, awareness raising actions, promotion of energy savings and the Energy Efficiency Guarantee Mechanism (EEGM).


The project financed a Capacity Building Program to develope best practice capacity in Brazil in the identification, formulation, implementation and management of EE projects in the buildings sector. This capacity development exercise has been designed to reach a wide range of EE services providers (ESCOs and other energy service providers), as well as building owners/operators.


A Public Building Initiative program has been developed and implemented in order to eliminate the barriers specific to the implementation of EE projects in public buildings and facilities, namely:

a) lack of access to financial market and EE market players due to high credit risk;

b) limited public investment budgets for upgrades of equipment/appliances and EE investments;

c) lack of human resources trained to promote EE investment projects;

d) lack of technical personnel with appropriate knowledge on how to implement EE projects;

e) obstacles to existing legal and contractual frameworks including government procurement policy and regulations where third party financing, either in the form of leasing or through a performance based contracting approach, are concerned


The Project was born out of cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Secretariat for Climate Change and Forests (SMCF), implemented with resources from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Inter-American Development Bank Development (IDB).


The end of the project culminated in the Final Seminar "Energy Efficiency and Climate Change" in December 2017, where the results of the main components were presented.

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