Order IET/1045/2014 of 16 June, approving the remuneration parameters for standard facilities, applicable to certain electricity production facilities based on renewable energy, cogeneration and waste.
Ministerial Order IET/1045/2014 , of the 16th of June, approving remuneration parameters for type installations applicable to certain installations for the production of electric energy from renewable energy resources, cogeneration and waste. Order IET/1045/2014, considering the methodology described in Royal Decree 413/2014, sets the remunerative parameters for its first regulatory semi-period (14/07/2013 - 31/12/2016).
For the calculation of the remuneration to the investment and to the operation, the following remunerative parameters have been considered, for its entire regulatory life:
- The standard incomes from the sale of energy valued at the market price.
- The standard operating costs necessary to carry out the activity.
- The standard value of the initial investment, all of this for a profitable and well-managed company, throughout its useful regulatory life.
- The value of the initial investment and the useful life recognised for the installation remain unmovable for the entire lifetime of the installation.
- Equivalent hours of operation of the type installation according to the real hours of each technology.
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