Purchase Subsidies Bulgaria

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2019
A purchase grant of EUR 10.000 for a BEV, since January 2018. The list of EVs eligible for purchase under the programme has been significantly expanded. The subsidies are: per medium class M1 (vehicles with up to 8 seats) and N1 (cargo vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3,5 tons) EV – BGN 20,000 the small L7e – BGN 20,000 minibuses – BGN 40,000 class M1 and N1 (6+ 1 and 7+ 1 seats) – BGN 30,000 up to BGN 3,000 for the purchase of various types of superstructures for cleaning, cargo transportation, and watering the small L7e.

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