Ordinance (2019:525) on state aid for the installation of charging points for electric vehicles

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 July 2021
Grants may only be given for charging points which, when installed, are: 1. found on a property that the applicant for the grant owns or holds with special right; 2. are located at a residence or workplace and are intended to be used mainly by those who live in the home or by those employed in the workplace; 3. are installed by an electrical installation company or an electrician as referred to in the Electricity Safety Act (2016: 732); and 4. are prepared for electricity measurement and charging of electricity cost and equipped with at least the outlets or connectors for electric vehicles of type 2 described in standard EN 62196-2 or type Combo 2 described in the standard EN 62196-3. Contributions to companies may only be granted in accordance with the conditions set out in Chapter I and Article 56 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 or Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013. Grants may not be given for measures that: 1. must be implemented to fulfill an obligation under law or other statutes or under the terms of a permit, or 2. justify grants under the Ordinance (2017: 1318) on grants to private persons for the installation of charging point for electric vehicles. Eligible costs are material and labor costs for measures taken after the entry into force of this Regulation and needed to install a charging point, such as the cost of a charging box and the drawing of electricity. Labor costs are eligible only if they relate to work performed by someone who is approved for F-tax or, in the case of a foreign company, has a certificate or other document that shows that the company undergoes corresponding checks in respect of taxes and fees in its homeland. Grants may be given as a lump sum with a maximum of 50 per cent of the eligible costs, but a maximum of SEK 15,000 per charge point.

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