Multi-apartment Building Renovation (Modernization) Programme

Last updated: 5 November 2017
Programme of Modernization of Multi-apartment Buildings was approved in 2004. In 2009 essential adjustments were adopted which have changed the financing rules. Due to this the modernization process was slowed down in 2009 while the owners of multi-apartment buildings were waiting for the determination of the new explicit rules for financing. However, in 2012 Programme of Modernization of Multi-apartment Buildings was changed again, this time enhancing implementation of actual modernisation projects. More detailed information is available in the National Reform Programme 2014.
The main aim of the Programme is to reduce thermal energy use in multi-apartment buildings, built before 1993, at least by 20% by the end of 2020, i.e. estimated annual energy consumption in these buildings by the end of 2020 should be reduced at least by 1000 GWh/year, and reduce GHG emissions by 230 ktCO2eq/year, comparing with 2005.