
7th IEA-Tsinghua Joint Workshop: Achieving Carbon neutrality pledges: the role of buildings

Background information

Several countries around the globe are committing to target towards achieving carbon neutrality in the next decades. The building sector is responsible of about 36% of global final energy consumptions, and about 37% of global emissions if accounting for both the operational and construction phase. The decarbonization of this sector over its whole value chain would be critical to achieve carbon neutrality targets on time.

This workshop, outcome of the longstanding collaboration between IEA and the Building Energy Research Centre of Tsinghua University, focused on the role of buildings roadmaps, technology deployment and policy implementation to support the decarbonization of the building sector. Three priorities for the sector have been highlighted as critical to be incorporated into energy codes and standards: energy efficiency across all end-uses and buildings envelope; shift to zero-emissions fuels across the whole buildings value chain; increased system integration and resilience.


Session 1: Outlooks and Opportunities for carbon neutrality in China’s building sector

Session 2: International building sector carbon neutrality roadmaps 

Session 3: Critical issues to achieve zero carbon emissions in buildings