Dutch-Danish cooperation MoU to accelerate the green transition

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 19 November 2021

Denmark and the Netherlands have set for joint cooperation to ensure the development of the green transition amidst the pandemic crisis. Focus areas include knowledge sharing in green technologies (hydrogen and wind power) and reinforcing trade partnerships to meet each other's 2030 climate targets.


The overall motivation for the agreement was to create an official framework that would allow for a deepening of existing bilateral collaboration on green topics, like clean heating. Furthermore, the agreement points to new areas, which might be included in a broader energy cooperation between the Netherlands and Denmark.


A non-exhaustive list of cooperation measures include:

a. Policies to facilitate decarbonization of the heating sector while guaranteeing security of supplyand cost efficiency; including the role of low temperature heat systems, heat market regulationgeothermal energy, heat storage and heat pumps;

b. Organization of heat distribution systems, with a focus on the role of local authorities in andachieving public support for heat distribution systems;

c. Offshore wind, including offshore energy infrastructure, with an emphasis on sector coupling, thepotential for offshore hubs in the North Sea, and jointly fostering offshore wind development inthird countries;

d. Technical pathways towards a decarbonization of the gas system, notably the role of hydrogen and biomethane, and international decarbonized gas trade;

e. Clean fuel developments, including Power-to-X and biofuels;

f. Development and deployment of CCUS-technologies for industrial decarbonization, includingwaste-to-energy;

g. Increasing the European climate ambitions, including the European discussions on legislationand policies to implement these ambitions, such as the Decarbonization Package;

h. Additional areas of cooperation as the Participants may decide upon in writing.

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