Energy Plus

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 22 September 2020

The aim of the programme is to reduce the negative impact of enterprises on the environment, including improvement of air quality, by supporting investment projects.  The programme will be implemented between 2019 and 2025: 1) commitments (understood as signing contracts) will be made until 2023, 2) funds will be spent until 2025.    


Forms of co-financing:


1) Grant up to 85% of eligible costs;

2) Loan up to 50% of eligible costs in case of projects using ORC technology for electricity production. loan amount: from PLN 1 million to PLN 300 million.  


Beneficiaries: Entrepreneurs conducting business activities, as defined within the Act of 6 March 2018.


Eligible projects:


Project that reduce the consumption of primary raw materials will be supported, including project that involve:

  • The construction, extension or modernisation of existing production installations or industrial facilities, leading to the reduction of the consumption of primary raw materials (within their own production lines), including by replacing them with secondary raw materials, waste or leading to a reduction in the amount of waste generated.  
  • A reduction or avoidance of harmful atmospheric emissions for fuel combustion sources and Reduction or avoidance of harmful atmospheric emissions from industrial activities.  
  • New sources of heat and electricity - undertakings carried out in an existing company/plant concerning the construction or reconstruction of generation units together with their connection to the distribution/transmission network, in which energy production is used: a) energy from renewable sources, (b) waste heat, (c) heat from cogeneration,  
  • Modernization/expansion of heating networks and/or the use of geothermal heat resources.  


The call for project proposals is open until 18 December 2020.

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