Nigeria's National Action Plan to reduce short-lived climate pollutants

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 8 March 2024

With the aim of reducing the emission of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) , Nigeria prepared a comprehensive National SLCP Action Plan (NAP) that identified 22 Mitigation measures to be adopted. These measures are targeted at reducing emissions from major SLCPs such as black carbon, methane, as well as reducing missions of co-emitted long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon-dioxide and other air pollutants. The 22 SLCP abatement measures are targeted at 8 different source sectors, including transport, residential, industry, waste management, agriculture etc. 


Oil and gas was identified as an energy source sector for which the NAP sets forth three specific abatement measures. These include the elimination of gas flaring, control of fugitive emissions and leakages from oil production and processing, and reductions in methane leakage from transportation and distribution. Targets to be achieved for each of the 22 abatement measures have also been set; for example the elimination of 100% of gas flaring, and reduction by 50% of fugitive emissions from oil production and processing and from transportation and distribution. 

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