Energy Efficiency Program of Electricity Distribution Companies – PEE Aneel

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 6 May 2024

Law nr. 9,991, 2000, defined that 0.5% of the net operating revenue of the electricity distribution companies must be invested in energy efficiency measures. It is called the Energy Efficiency Program of the Electricity Distribution Companies, which is regulated by Electricity National Regulatory Agency (Aneel).


The purpose of the PEE is to promote the efficient use of electricity in all sectors of the economy through projects that demonstrate the importance and economic feasibility of improving the energy efficiency of equipment, processes and energy end uses. The aim is to maximize the public benefits of energy saved and demand avoided, promoting the transformation of the energy efficiency market, stimulating the development of new technologies and the creation of habits and rational practices in the use of electricity.


Although the Law was only approved in 2000, since 1998 energy efficiency projects were already being implemented by electricity distribution companies due to energy efficiency clauses contained in concession contracts. From 2000 and on, the investments started to be regulated and monitored by Aneel.


Some numbers of the program are (1998 – 2019):  

- Concluded projects: 4.850  

- Energy savings (TWh): 63  

- Avoided peak demand (GW):  2,8  

- Average anual investment (million):  R$ 550,00  

- Cumulative investment (billion):  R$ 5,90  



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