Commercial Transportation Energy Efficiency and Fuels Initiative

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Commercial Transportation Energy Efficiency and Fuels Initiative will seek to increase the market penetration of efficiency enhancing technologies, including anti-idling devices, in all modes. Technical workshops, training programs, and publications on preventive maintenance, fuel management practices, and better informed modal choice comprise this initiative. Within the CTEEF, the Canadian government sponsors the Commercial Road Transportation Program, administered by Natural Resources Canada, and the Ministry of Transports Freight Efficiency Program. In turn, the Freight Efficiency Program serves as the framework for efficiency programs in marine power, and for shippers and freightors. A further component of the CTEEF is the Commercial Transportation Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, which is designed to encourage the on-road transportation industry to use equipment to reduce engine idling and cut greenhouse gases. This program, a joint effort between the Government of Canada and the suppliers of qualified equipment, will reduce the production of GHG emissions by cutting the amount of diesel fuel used in the idling of commercial vehicle engines. The program encourages the use of proven, off-the-shelf technology to reduce idling.

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