FNEE-Aid programme for desalination plants
The purpose of this aid programme is to stimulate and promote the carrying out of work in desalination plants, which reduces the emissions of carbon dioxide through the execution of savings and energy efficiency projects, contributing with this to achieving the objectives regarding the reduction of final energy consumption established in Directive 2012/27/EU. To do so, the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda), through the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), starts up a specific aid and financing programme initially funded from the National Energy Efficiency Fund, created by Law 18/2014, of October 15, on the approval of urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency. The aid planned by this Programme will be co-financed with ERDF funds, therefore Regulation 1303/2013 will be applied and the aid must respond to the eligibility criteria applicable to the ERDF Sustainable Growth Operational Programme, 2014-2020. The aid involves the modality of payment in cash with no consideration payable, or that of a reimbursable loan, and these will respond to one of the following typologies: 1) Improvement of the technology in desalination equipment and processes whose eligible investment is equal or greater than €75,000 and a maximum amount of eligible investment per application of €2,000,000; 2) Implementation of energy management systems whose eligible investment is equal or greater than €30,000 and a maximum amount of eligible investment per application of €2,000,000.
The deadline for submitting aid applications has finalised but the transaction of aids is ongoing.
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