Free Trade Agreement - Israel and Mexico

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The Free Trade Agreement between Israel and Mexico entered into force in July 2000. It provides for the elimination of border tariffs for most energy products and its constituents, including : 

  • Agglomerated and reduced iron and Alumina
  • Scrap metal and Ammonia 
  • Crude steel and Aluminium 
  • Nitrogen fertilisers 
  • Solar PV Modules, Solar Cells, and Solar Wafers
  • Polysilicon and Battery packs and battery cells
  • Electrolysers 
  • Heat pumps 
  • Electric cars and ICE cars 

Rules of origin delineated in the Agreement include provisions preventing goods only undergoing minimal transformations in one of the signatory countries, or incorporating non- originating materials evalued at more than 10 percent of the transaction value of the good to benefit from the tariff treatment established by the Agreement.

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