Renewable energy Policy and Action Plan

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 August 2021
The Ministry of energy, green technology and water introduced the National Renewable energy Policy and Action Plan to overcome the main hurdles to renewable energy deployment in Malaysia.The strategy seeks to address market failure, policies inconsistencies, mixed signals to investors and the lack of a robust and long term orientation.The Policy Vision seeks to enhance the use of indigenous renewable energy sources (RES) to contribute in electricity supply security and independence. The policy seeks to increase the share of RE in the national electricity mix, support the expansion of a local RE manufacturing sector, ensure reasonable RE generation costs and protect the environment.In order to reach its objectives, the RE Action Plan shall provide for the introduction of a feed-in tariff, implement fiscal incentives and measures to reduce the transaction cost of ficing, attract skilled workers in the sector and initiate a long term research and development programme.The Action plan also established generation targets to 2050 when renewable energy should make 24% of the total energy mix, from 1% in 2011 and 9% in 2020, therefore avoiding 30, 503, 589 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

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