Ordinance (2015: 579) on support for promoting sustainable urban environments

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 4 November 2019

The Government has adopted a national plan for infrastructure for the period 2018–2029. It is a total investment of SEK 700 billion and the largest railway investment in modern times. The plan covers major investments in both new construction and restoration and modernisation of existing infrastructure. The decision also covers significant investments in maritime transport infrastructure and roads. This is made possible due to the Government investing SEK 100 billion more than in the previous plan period.


The Government has set aside a total of SEK 12 billion during the plan period for urban environment agreements. This means that central government will co-finance municipal and regional investments in infrastructure for public transport and cycling. There is no fixed allocation between modes of transport.


The aim of the initiative is to promote sustainable urban environments by providing support that leads to:


- An increased proportion of passenger transport by public transport or bicycle traffic

- Sustainable freight transport solutions.


The measures are expected to lead to energy-efficient solutions with low greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to meeting the environmental quality objective "Good built environment".


In particular, the support should promote innovative, capacity-efficient and resource-efficient solutions for public or bicycle transport and efforts to coordinate and improve the efficiency of freight transport.

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