MEPS and Labelling for Electric rice cookers: TCVN 8252:2015 (applied by 24/2018/QD-TTg)
This standard is adopted based on the title year, but only takes effect in the market based on the following laws:
- Decision 24/2018/QD-TTg stipulates the list of equipment subject to energy labelling program, application of MEPS and the roadmap.
1. Import, production and business are not permitted since the effective date of this Decision for equipment with energy efficiency levels not meeting the minimum energy efficiency levels in national standards (TCVN. ) specified in Annex I attached to this Decision.
2. It is not allowed to import, produce and do business after 02 years from the effective date of this Decision for equipment with energy efficiency levels not meeting the minimum energy efficiency levels specified in the Vietnam Standards prescribed. specified in Appendix II to this Decision.
Promulgated 18 May 2018. This Decision takes effect on July 10, 2018. This updates Decision No. 78/2013 / QD-TTg dated December 25, 2013.
MEPS shall not be less than 1-star:
Eff = 1.16 * k * G * dT * 100% / E
G: water mass in kg
K = 1.1 for induction cooker, 1.0 for resistance cooker
T1: initial temperature of water in the pot in degC
T2: final temperature of water in the pot in degC
dT = T2 – T1
E = power consumed, in Wh
Comparative labelling is divided based on nominal power P (W):
P = 400
1-star:= 72%
2-star:= 76%
3-star:= 80%
4-star:= 84%
5-star:= 88%
400 P = 600
1-star:= 73%
2-star:= 77%
3-star:= 81%
4-star:= 85%
5-star:= 89%
600 <>P = 800
1-star:= 74%
2-star:= 78%
3-star:= 82%
4-star:= 86%
5-star:= 90%
800 <>P = 1 000
1-star:= 75%
2-star:= 79%
3-star:= 83%
4-star:= 87%
5-star:= 91%
1 000 <>P = 2 000
1-star:= 76%
2-star:= 80%
3-star:= 84%
4-star:= 88%
5-star:= 92%
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