Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 3 December 2019

The Law on energy transition for green growth set the following targets:


  • GES Emissions:  -40% between 1990 and 2030 / -75% (factor 4) between 1990 and 2050. The trajectory is detailed in carbon budgets;
  • Final energy consumption: -50% by 2050 with respect to 2012, with intermediate target of -20% in 2030
  • Fossil fuels energy consumption: -30% in 2030 with respect to 2012
  • Renewable energy: target of 23% of gross final energy consumption in 2020, and 32% in 2030
  • Nuclear energy: share of nuclear energy in electricity production to be brought down to 50% by 2025
  • Buildings energy efficiency performance levels to comply with "low consumption buildings" norms for the entire building stock by 2050
  • Waste: reduce by 50% the amount of waste disposed in landfills by 2025;
  •  Adressing energy poverty issues


The Law on energy transition for green growth frames the national energy and climate strategy, with the creation of :


  • The Multiannual energy programming ("programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie" - PPE)
  • The Low carbon national strategy ("Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone" - SNBC)
  • Other planning tools, which complement the PPE and SNBC and have to be coherent with them, such as the clean mobility development stragegy, the national biomass mobilisation strategy and the atmospheric polluant emissions reduction plan.


The law on energy transition for green growth includes various measures:


  • for buildings renovation
  • for energy efficiency in new buildings (exemplarity of new public buildings, promotion of positive energy and high environmental performance buildings)
  • clean transport development (target: 7millions charging stations for Evs in 2030 ; minimal share of low emission vehicles in public vehicle fleets, traffic restrictions in bad air quality zones
  • waste reduction and "circular economy"
  • renewable energy development,
  • safety in nuclear energy
  • intended to address energy poverty : energy voucher ("chèque énergie") for low income households)




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