The Super-Green Car Premium

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Super-Green Car Premium Ordinance (SFS 2011:1590) came into effect in January 2012 with the purpose of promoting the use and sales of highly fuel-efficient cars with low climate impact. A super-green car is a passenger car that complies with the EU's latest exhaust emissions limits and which emits no more than 50 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre (as of 2016). The super-green car premium is a subsidy that should cover possible additional costs of such cars - the maximum amount of the premium is SEK 40 000 per electric car and SEK 20 000 for hybrid cars. The premium is administered by the Swedish Transport Agency. In order to be granted the premium, the applicant cannot have received other public funding for the purchase of the same car.

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