Energy service demand for space heating and energy intensity index in the Net Zero Scenario, 2015-2030 Openexpand
Contribution of renewable electricity to heat pumps consumption in buildings space heating in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030 Openexpand
Increases in global renewable heat consumption and shares of renewables in heat demand by sector, outlook and Net Zero Scenario, 2017-2028 Openexpand
Buildings-related energy demand for heating and share by fuel in the Net Zero Scenario, 2022-2030 Openexpand
Correlations between annual heating degree days and final direct consumption of natural gas in buildings in the European Union, 1991-2020 Openexpand
Global modern renewable energy use for buildings-related heating and share of total heat consumption in buildings in the Net Zero Scenario, 2011-2030 Openexpand
Year-on-year quarterly change in heating electricity consumption in the European Union, 2022 Openexpand