Training — Moscow, Russia

Energy Statistics Training Workshop in Moscow


Timely, reliable and high quality energy statistics form the basis for well-informed energy policy decision making. As such, the work of the Russian State Statistics Service (Rosstat) is of key importance for effective implementation of energy policies and regulations and in particular the recently passed Law on Energy Efficiency, an area of focus at the highest political levels in Russia since the President’s announced target to reduce Russian energy intensity of GDP by 40% by 2020 compared to 2007 levels. As Russia’s accession process to the OECD continues, Russian statistical reporting obligations will only increase. This workshop was a way to support Russia and Rosstat in its efforts to do so.

In the framework of the IEA-Russian Energy Ministry Joint Statement, agreed at the IEA Ministerial in October 2011, and in line with the IEA-Rosstat MOU and Action Plan for 2012, the IEA and Rosstat held a 4-day joint Energy Statistics Training Workshop, with the support of the IEA’s Training and Capacity Building Center (TCB).

Over 60 participants took part over the 4-day period including from Rosstat, the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy, the Russian Energy Agency, APBE, CENEf, RosHydromet, Petromarkets, GazpromExport, BP Russia, the Institute of Prognosis, the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology and the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. The main goals of the training workshop were to:

  • Work together to improve the quality of energy statistics in Russia
  • Bring together consumers and producers of energy data in Russia, as well as sector specific experts (oil, gas, coal, electricity, energy efficiency, energy balances) to engage in a discussion on how best to coordinate to ensure the completeness, timeliness and quality of the data
  • Understand better the Russian energy statistics data collection process and clarify gaps or inconsistencies vis-à-vis international standards in the data received from Rosstat
  • Enhance co-operation and expert level contact to make it easier for day to day contact through email and telephone on an as needed basis when questions arise

Agenda (Russian and English versions)

IEA Annual Questionnaires
Rosstat website
IEA statistics homepage

Alexander L. Kevesh, Deputy Head, Rosstat
Jean-Yves Garnier, Head, Energy Statistics Division, International Energy Agency

Session 1: Why Collect Energy Statistics?

Energy Statistics in Russia: Government Information Systems on the Energy Sector
Ivan Glebov, Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

An International Experience, The International Energy Agency
Jean-Yves Garnier, Head, Energy Statistics Division, International Energy Agency
Energy Statistics in Russia: Strengths and Weaknesses (notes)
Valentina Strukova, Deputy Director of Department for Business Statistics, Rosstat

Session 2: Coal Statistics

The IEA Coal Data System
Robert Schnapp, Head, Coal, Renewables, Electricity and Heat Section, ESD, International Energy Statistics

Coal Statistics in Russia
Konstantin Dyachenko, The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERIRAS)

Session 3: Oil Statistics

Annual Oil Statistics
Mieke Reece, Head, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

Annual Oil Statistics in Russia
Lev Freinkman, Senior Economist, BP Russia

Oil and oil products balances: view from user of Russian statistics
Yakov Ruderman, General Director, Petromarket, Anna Panovko, Director Business Development / Head of Department of Russian Federation and CIS Crude Oil Markets, Petromarket

Session 4: Natural Gas Statistics

Natural Gas Statistics
Mieke Reece, Head, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

How GazpromExport uses the IEA natural gas statistics: needs, challenges, solutions
Alexey Biteryakov, GazpromExport

Session 5: Renewables and Waste Statistics

Renewables and Waste Statistics
Robert Schnapp, Head, Coal, Renewables, Electricity and Heat Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

Session 6: Electricity and Heat Statistics

Annual Electricity and Heat Statistics
Robert Schnapp, Head, Coal, Renewables, Electricity and Heat Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

HBS capacity for analysis of energy supply to households in Russia
Valery Semikashev, Head of the Laboratory, INP, Russian Academy of Science

Problems analyzing the dynamics of electricity demand in various sectors of the
Nikolay Antonov, APBE

Session 7: Energy Balances

From Basic Energy Statistics to Energy Balances
Karen Tréanton, Head, Energy Balances, Prices and Emissions Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

Energy Balances in Russia
Igor Bashmakov, Executive Director, CENEf

Compilation of the Heat Balance in Russia: Experiences and Problems
Svetlana Voronina, Senior Expert, INP Russian Academy of Science

Session 8: Energy Efficiency Indicators

Energy Statistics for Energy Efficiency Indicators
Robert Schnapp, Head, Coal, Renewables, Electricity and Heat Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

Energy Statistics for Energy Efficiency Indicators in Russia (slide notes )
Valentina Strukova, Deputy Director of Department for Business Statistics, Rosstat

Results of Energy Demand Growth Decomposition Analysis
Igor Bashmakov, Executive Director, CENEf

Session 9: CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion

The Use of Energy Statistics to Estimate CO2 Emissions
Karen Tréanton, Head, Energy Balances, Prices and Emissions Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

CO2 Emissions in Russia
Alexander Nakhutin, Hydromet

Session 10: Four Additional Questionnaires for IEA Member Countries

Four Questionnaires for IEA Member Countries
Karen Tréanton, Head, Energy Balances, Prices and Emissions Section, ESD, International Energy Agency

Session 11: Cooperation between Russia and the IEA on Energy Statistics: The Way Forward.

Russia’s point of view - IEA’s point of view
Jean-Yves Garnier, Head, Energy Statistics Division, International Energy Agency
Alexander Goncharov, Senior Expert, Foreign Statistics and International Cooperation Department, Rosstat


Joint Rosstat / IEA Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics Workshop
17 February 2012


Why a need for monthly oil and gas statistics? Why the Joint Organisations Data
Jean-Yves Garnier, Head, Energy Statistics Division, International Energy Agency

Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics:
Mieke Reece, Head, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency
Erica Robin, Head of the Monthly Oil Statistics Unit, Oil and Gas Section, ESD,
- MOS questionnaire
- JODI Oil
- JODI Gas
- QuE questionnaire (for emergency purposes)

Monthly Oil Statistics in Russia:
The process: how to complete monthly statistics and verify quality
Mieke Reece, Head, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency
Erica Robin, Head of the Monthly Oil Statistics Unit, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency
- The Excel questionnaire format
- The Energy Data Center
- Running checks

What happens with the data
Mieke Reece, Head, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency
Erica Robin, Head of the Monthly Oil Statistics Unit, Oil and Gas Section, ESD, International Energy Agency
- IEA checking process
- Data reports (summary, Oil Market Report, BPFC, EMR, MODS, with demonstration of B20/20)

Jean-Yves Garnier, Head, Energy Statistics Division, International Energy Agency
Alexander Goncharov, Senior Expert, Foreign Statistics and International Cooperation Department, Rosstat