
Presentation: IEA Special Report on Efficient Cooling: Considerations for Latin America

Time: 17:00 Paris time

A special joint collaboration with the Mexican Ministry of Energy and Brazilian Energy Development Department of the Ministry of Mines and Energy presented by Brian Dean and John Dulac, Energy Efficiency Experts from the IEA’s Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies (E4) Programme

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 25 July 2018 from 10:00 to 11:00 am (time in Mexico City, UTC – 6 hours) from the IEA’s headquarters in Paris, France. The webinar will be conducted in English.

To attend, please register at the following link:  https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8859693564201410561

It is also possible to connect to the webinar via telephone (toll free) 01 800 925 0373 - Access code: 163-150-099

The world is facing an impending “cold crunch”. The use of air conditioners and electric fans accounts for about 20% of the total electricity consumed by buildings around the world today. In Mexico in 2016, space cooling represented approximately 9.8% of total energy consumption in buildings. Cooling is the fastest growing use of energy in buildings.

Do not miss this new webinar, where we will discuss the most recent results of the IEA’s analysis on the topic of space cooling.